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Katherine and James were fantastic to deal with and as first time campervaners, they eased any concerns by answering all our questions and supplying a van overview videol. As newbies, the amount of info could be quite overwhelming but with this video to watch in our own time, it made the experience very easy as we felt like we knew the van prior to collection. The van itself was perfect for us as we happened to book a stormy week with high winds and rain! The layout allowed our 8yr old to have her own space and spread her essential things, watch her own tv and go to bed whilst we still had access to a lounge and kitchen. Having two double beds internally was amazing during the less than ideal weather. Not having to deal with pop roofs or awnings during gale force winds was extremely relaxing and enabled us to continue with our little holiday. I would highly recommend Katherine, James and their van. They were very helpful, down to earth and supportive. Their van is fairly unique with it’s layout and works for families or sporting activities. April 2024