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Wim, Nora and their camper were just what we were looking for! For us it was the first time that we went on the road with a mobile home. We had heard from friends that it is really nice when you rent a mobile home with the children. Our kids aged 7, 4 and 3 wanted to keep the mobile home after the week and not return it. The camper was spacious enough for all of us, drove very smoothly in terms of engine and steering and we received sufficient explanation from Wim when we left. The first day it was a bit of a search for us how to properly operate everything from water, gas and electricity, but from day two we were off. When returning the mobile home to Nora, everything went smoothly. We reported that we had driven with the mirror against such a thing from the peage and that was deducted from our deposit, the rest was refunded. We are already dreaming of our next trip with this mobile home. November 2017