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I was looking for a Camper compact and for 1 person and preferably with length beds, because most campers have transverse beds and yes, being stuck is not everything, so I looked through Goboony and found it, that's where I ended up with Mar and Jan and a plus 11 km from me so just made an appointment to fit the bicycle carrier and the explanation of how everything works and yes also in terms of power supply and how everything works for a while better just taste it before you go on a trip and then uuuhh oh yes how does that work, but I was early with the booking and yes also in time because there were a few cold nights, but experience was enough with the cold so looking for solutions will get you there again, got the car and drove like a frost and reasonably cheap and with the cruise control on the 110-20 at ease and yes still drove and done a lot of kms and yes maybe not so but yes I wanted to see a few museums so first to Hamburg and Melsdorf (friend) then back to Gluckstadt with the ferry Bremen and the next in Baden Baden (beautiful city), then to Basel and from there to Bordeaux the coast Biscarosse n hope km yes yes no problem on the way several truck stop places to eat and toilet and shower yes my old profession, from Biscarosse back to Lorient and Brest and at the campsite and from there back home, because it was raining cats and dogs, but yes you are inside and no problem, a nice route a bit around but yes if you want to see something special, the solution is on your own the camper did its job too well, just to explain the photos, the bed is easy for the two of us, but I had enough on one side and the photo on the ferry shows the solar panel for power inside, I had more photos but the mbs were full of jammers May 2023