Day Itinerary For a Glen Coe Road Trip In a Motorhome

May 21, 2024 in Routes, Destinations, Tips for Travellers, Scotland & United Kingdom

Glen Coe. The name alone is alluring. Yet it’s the simplest of Scottish names. A combination of the beautiful ‘Glen’, Scottish for valley, and the River Coe that flows through it. Glen Coe is gorgeous, there’s no arguing against it, but the beauty of visiting this valley also lies in the fact that its highlights aren’t far apart. This makes Glen Coe a great destination for those looking to go on a thrilling day trip in Scotland. To help you get around, we’ve carefully selected our favourite spots in the Glen. All you have to do is pick yours and set off. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Getting around in Glen Coe

This is a day itinerary for a Glen Coe road trip. Ensuring that if you have a vehicle,  you can see many of our recommended spots in a single day. However, if you’re planning on spending longer in the area, we’d do nothing but encourage you! The longer you have to explore Glen Coe’s craggy munros and plummeting waterfalls, the better. 

Alternatively, you could even combine some of these best places to visit in Glencoe with a weekend road trip to the Isle of Skye, or even a week of exploring the NC500

However long you intend to take for your Glen Coe road trip itinerary, our best tip on getting around in Glen Coe would be to set yourself up in a campervan. There’s nothing like moving from view to view from the comfort of a heated sitting room and stocked kitchen, especially when a quintessential Glen Coe gale roars through the valley outside. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Best places to visit in Glen Coe 

These best places to visit in Glen Coe include our favourite views, walks, cafés and pubs. So whether you intend to boot up a mountain or soak up Scotland’s splendour from a comfy campervan seat, there’s something for any kind of day. 

Best views in Glen Coe

Loch Achtriochtan

For your first of many best views in Glen Coe head to Loch Achtriochtan, not far from the actual town of Glencoe. This viewpoint is the first of many along the main road through the glen. It’s a stunning spot to take in the view over the small loch, the river Coe that rushes through it, an idyllic white Scottish cottage and a backdrop of snow-capped mountains with about fifteen waterfalls rushing down them. Quite the sight for your first acquaintance with Glen Coe, if you ask us. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

The Three Sisters 

A mere two-minute drive in eastern direction will take you to your next stop in this good-looking glen. Although the object of your view will remain pretty much the same, this is definitely the best place for an unobstructed view of the Three Sisters, three majestic peaks (otherwise known by their Scottish name of Bidean Nam Bian) that dominate the Glen Coe skyline.   
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

The Meeting of Three Waters

We’re staying in the theme of three’s, as a mere stone’s throw away from the Three Sisters viewpoint you’ll run into the bafflingly beautiful Meeting of Three Waters. This spot is a natural confluence formed by the merging of the River Coe, the River Coupall and a third babbling burn (Scottish for brook) that runs off the mountain. It’s a spectacular sight, especially if you love waterfalls, which if you haven’t noticed by now, Glen Coe is overflowing with. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Skyfall Road

Bet you £10 you’ve rewatched the James Bond film “Skyfall” before setting off on this trip. If not, make sure you do, as it’s a rite of passage for your next destination on this Glen Coe road trip itinerary. Nicknamed by many as “Skyfall Road”, the windy single-track lane that meanders along the River Etive is in fact one on which Daniel Craig and Dame Judi Dench made a little road trip themselves on the big screen. An iconic scene, which still doesn’t do the real-life view justice. Don’t forget to pop Adele’s mega-hit on the stereo to set the tone for this magnificent drive. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Loch Etive 

If you follow Skyfall Road along the River Etive for about an hour, you’ll end up by its namesake loch. Just like most lochs, the still waters of Loch Etive reflect the dramatic mountains surrounding it, resulting in a mesmerising Scottish scene. Yet what makes this loch particularly tranquil is that most of it is unreachable by road, which ends shortly after the village of Gualachulain. This makes the trip down to Loch Etive a dead-end drive and due to inconvenience, a road less travelled. In other words, to those wishing to escape the Glen Coe crowds: Loch Etive is your haven of peace. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Best walks in Glen Coe 

Lochan Trails 

If you’re looking for a little warm-up walk, head towards the forestry car park of the Lochan Trails. Nestled in a beautiful woodland area full of conifers that resembles a North American forest, three easy to moderately easy trails wrap around the beautiful little lake in its centre. You’ll find locals pushing strollers or walking their dogs here, and it’s a lovely place for those looking for a leisurely stroll without having to face any heavy elevation. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Buachaille Etive Mór

No visit to Glen Coe would be complete without walking up to Buachaille Etive Mór, probably Scotland’s most iconic munro. Its name translates to “The Great Herdsman of Etive”, referring to its watchful and imposing presence over the surrounding glen. The mountain, like many famous mountains, has a distinct pyramid-like shape with craggy slopes that rise from the valley floor. Many spectators walk up to the famous ‘wee white house’ that sits at the foot of the mountain and then head home, but the Buachaille is climbable. Although the challenging 8-mile hike is not for the faint of heart and takes all day, we simply can’t exclude it from our list of best walks in Glen Coe. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Bidean Nam Bian 

If your idea of an ideal Glen Coe day is in fact to bag a munro or two, you might consider conquering Bidean Nam Bian. We’ve already mentioned this peak as an unmissable Glen Coe sight, but we assure you that the view from the top is equally one for sore eyes. The Three Sisters of Bidean Nam Bian are in fact three distinct ridges that can be challenged by those who are fit, have a little mountaineering experience and are not scared of facing the Scottish elements. Again, the day-long scramble through rugged, rocky terrain probably isn’t how most would spend their one day in the glen, but if you’ve got the time — and energy! — it’ll most definitely be a walk to remember. 
Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

Favourite cafés, pubs and restaurants in Glen Coe

Crafts and Things Coffee Shop 

A wee bit of a gem when it comes to coffee shops, Crafts and Things is a lovely spot for a pick-me-up. Whether that’s a frothy cappuccino, a slice of home-baked goods or a piping hot soup, there’s a reason locals love coming to this place for their lunch. And as the name suggests, there’s more to look at than the contents of your plate.

Boots Bar (Clachaig Inn)  

Glen Coe is home to dozens of pubs, but if you’d make us pick one it’d be Boots Bar at the Clachaig Inn. With great local ales, great whisky and great craic, this infamous pub in the heart of the glen is all you could wish for when it comes to kicking back after a long day of exploring. There’s nothing like warming up by one of their lit fireplaces, and they often host live music gigs too!

Day glencoe road trip itinerary best places to visit in glencoe

The Laroch Restaurant and Bar 

The Laroch Restaurant and Bar is a family-run village local that sits just west of Glencoe on the shores of Loch Leven. If you’re looking for more of a gourmet, pub dining experience, this is the place for you; it has a Michelin-star chef and his team running the kitchen!  

Loch Leven Seafood Café 

If you’re craving the best catch of the day from Scotland’s sparkling waters, Loch Leven Seafood Café will serve you right. Their seafood and shellfish platters are as fresh as it gets, and have a top reputation among seafood lovers in the area. You can eat in or pick up fresh produce for a lovely loch-side picnic.

If you pick any destination for your Scotland day trip, let it be Glen Coe. Our Glen Coe road trip itinerary will take you to some of the most beloved places to visit in all of Scotland — best of luck with peeling yourself away from the views!